Guide Your Customers to In Stock Product with a “Shop In Stock” Landing Page

With the industry’s current inventory shortages and irregular lead times, customers are scrambling to find furniture that’s in stock and available now. While this represents a challenge to your business, it also presents an opportunity: many customers are shopping on websites they’ve never considered before in order to find available products.

To make the most of this opportunity, you need to ensure your in stock product is easy to find, no matter where the customer is on your website or in their shopping journey. In order to help you get started, we’ve created a Shop In Stock landing page template that can be added to your website now. 

Once the landing page is added, direct your customers by linking to it in your header navigation, a home page graphic, or other relevant areas of your site. Share the page with your customers by sending it out as an eblast, posting it on social media, or using it in a Google Ads campaign.

We’ve tested this page and are seeing great success in using the page as part of a Google Ads Campaign.

Over the past month, Shop In Stock has been the third-highest page that customers have landed on – behind only their homepage and the living room category page. Customers that arrive on the page are then sticking around to shop the website, as shown by the better-than-average metrics below:

  • 6.18 pages per session
  • Low bounce rate at 21.78%
  • Average session duration of 5:07