Communicate Item Availability with Manufacturer Warehouse Inventory Feeds

With furniture sales rebounding and customers continuing to buy furniture as they spend more time at home, it’s never been more crucial to communicate product availability on your website. However, some manufacturers are still dealing with factory shutdowns or unprecedented demand, resulting in a lot of uncertainty about item availability outside of your own warehouse inventory. Enter: manufacturer warehouse inventory feeds.

Warehouse inventory feeds can help you feel more confident about the availability and status of the special order items you’re showing for that vendor online. A warehouse inventory feed is a file we receive directly from the manufacturer that provides us with data regarding product availability from their warehouses. We automatically “feed” this file into our system, which can then be translated into useful information for both you and your customers.

For example, inventory feeds can be used to:

  1. Automatically remove items from your website that aren’t in stock at the vendor’s warehouse.
  2. Communicate item availability and lead times for special order items that are in stock at the vendor’s warehouse.
  3. Differentiate between items that are in stock in your warehouse and items that are in stock at the manufacturer warehouse and communicate that to your online customers.

Not seeing a warehouse feed for an important vendor? Email to learn how you can help!

Want to learn more about our warehouse inventory feeds or start activating feeds to better communicate item availability on your website? Please email